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Fast Insurance With All Major Insurance Providers Accepted

Christopher Stubbs, MD Family Practice believes in providing top-tier medical care to all our patients. Our Topeka, KS family medical doctor works hard to create an easy process for all his patients. He understands medical issues pop up unexpectedly, so he offers fast and flexible appointments. If you are dealing with a medical concern that does not require an ER trip, we will work with you to find an appointment that fits your needs. Our dedication to positive patient outcomes is why we are the area’s most trusted practice.

Christopher Stubbs, MD

Dr Stubbs with patient

We Emphasize Positive Patient Outcomes at Our Practice

Dr. Christopher Stubbs maintains close personal relationships with all his patients. He sees children and adults, enabling him to form close and long-lasting bonds with those he treats. When you schedule an appointment with Dr. Stubbs, you can expect to see him – not someone else. He will use his knowledge of your medical history to arrive at sound diagnoses and reliable treatments. You can expect a friendly voice and seamless process when you call our office. Our front office staff is as committed to patient health as Dr. Stubbs is, ensuring you will have a positive experience. That is one of the most significant benefits of placing your trust in a small but dedicated practice.

We Accept All Major Insurance Providers

There isn’t much use in a practice that does not take major forms of insurance. We do. Our front office staff works directly with your provider to take the burden off your shoulders. In most cases, you will only be responsible for copayments and deductibles, and we will always be fully transparent about any costs your treatment may incur. Between our dedication to outstanding medical care, seamless scheduling, and full insurance coverage, there is no reason not to place your trust in Dr. Stubbs and his team. Schedule an appointment today for a checkup, pediatric care, and more.

Book Your Appointment Today