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A Compassionate Family Medical Practitioner in Topeka, KS

Christopher Stubbs, MD Family Practice provides superior medical care to families in Topeka, KS. Our family medicine practitioner, Dr. Christopher Stubbs, grew up in Topeka, giving him a unique understanding of the challenges and needs of the community. Over the years, he has used that knowledge to help adults and children with various medical conditions. Dr. Stubbs can handle pediatric care, routine checkups, continuing care, and much more. He believes in forging long-standing and personal relationships with his patients, helping to create lifelong healthy habits.

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A Long History of Unparalleled Medical Care

Dr. Stubbs earned his undergraduate degree in human biology from The University of Kansas. Dr. Stubbs completed nearly three years of medical school at The University of Kansas School of Medicine in Kansas City, KS, and after some life changes took him to a new city, he earned his medical degree from Atlantic University (Chicago Campus). Dr. Stubbs obtained his residency training in Family Medicine at The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City, OK. He worked most recently as a primary care physician in rural Iowa where he was one of just two physicians in the county and served as the medical director for the Audubon County Public Health Department. Dr. Stubbs is excited to be back in his hometown, providing personalized medical care to the people of Topeka!

Dr. Stubbs is accepting new patients now for issues such as:

  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes Management
  • Joint, Muscle, and Back Pain
  • Annual Physical Exams
  • Well Child Exams
  • Medicare Wellness Exams
  • And More

Schedule Your First Appointment With Dr. Stubbs Today

Dr. Stubbs is excited to be back home in Topeka. He has long wanted to provide top-tier medical care to his community and is thrilled to get started helping you and your family achieve your health needs. His experience means he can handle an impressive range of medical concerns for patients of all ages. We are always accepting new patients and can’t wait to meet you.

Book Your Appointment Today