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Now Accepting New Patients

There’s a New Fully-Independent Family Practitioner in Topeka!

A Fully-Independent Solo Practitioner…

…is a dying breed these days. Over the past two decades, large healthcare conglomerates have been buying up independent primary care doctor’s offices, to the point that there are almost none left. Why are they doing this? There are a number of reasons, but a big one is to keep as many specialist referrals and radiology orders as possible within their own ecosystem, earning them more money. In my opinion, this is no way to practice medicine. As a fully independent doctor, I have no “boss.” I am beholden to no one but the patient in front of me. When I make a referral, I am free to send my patient wherever I think will serve them best. My patients certainly appreciate this, and I enjoy the freedom to practice medicine without anyone looking over my shoulder. Come visit our clinic and see how primary care medicine used to be when patients were people and not numbers.

All Major Insurance Accepted

Our practice accepts all major health insurance plans for your convenience and works directly with your insurance to take care of billing. In most cases, all you'll be responsible for are any copayments and deductibles that are part of your plan. Call us to learn more about how we can work with your insurance plan.

Fast Appointments

We understand children's and adults' health can be unpredictable. We work hard and focus on offering fast appointments, especially for those instances that might not require a trip to the emergency room but are still causing concern. Contact us, and we'll work to get you an appointment as quickly as possible.

Pediatric & Adult Medicine

Many primary care physicians limit the age group of patients they're willing to treat and focus on pediatrics, adults, or geriatrics. However, our focus is on providing exceptional care to patients of all ages. This offers more convenience to families with children of different ages, and you won't have to find a new doctor as they grow older.

Friendly Staff

Our practice is small but big on patient experience. We pride ourselves on knowing our patients by name and providing compassionate service from the moment you call to schedule your appointment. Enjoy the comfort of familiar faces and the personalized care you'll receive when visiting us.

Get Help From Real People

When you contact our office during business hours, your call will be answered by a real person. We don't use automated answering services or phone trees that make it difficult to get a question answered or speak to a live person. Our patients are our priority, and we want to ensure you can talk to a qualified person to help you.

You'll Always See the Doctor

With Christopher Stubbs, M.D. as your primary care physician, you'll always see him at every appointment. We know that's important to you, and it's important to us. It's how we build trust and confidence in our team with our patients. Your well-being is critical, and we'll ensure it is in the hands of properly educated and trained professionals.

doctor's office building

Contact Us

Get in Touch Today

1119 SW Gage Blvd
Topeka, KS 66614


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM

1119 SW Gage Blvd APT 3, Topeka, KS 66604, USA